Friday, March 02, 2007

MT. TAHAN DAY 3 (22/2/2007) PHOTOS

Date: 22/2/2007
Time: 0652 hrs

Quite a challenging day. Depart from summit around 10 a.m. Arrived at Pangkin campsite around 7 p.m. Passed by Gunung Gedong, Gunung Reskit, Gunung Tangga Lima Belas, Gunung Pangkin before reaching Kem Pangkin for overnite. Campsite at Pangkin quite small. Got to sleep on the walkway. Sleeping at night also not comfortable as I was worried about rats.



Anonymous Wee Chuah said...


Saturday, March 03, 2007 8:45:00 pm

Anonymous FANG HAU LIM said...

thnks. for your info. this photo was snap shot at time 0743 hrs on 22/2/2007 from the summit.

Sunday, March 04, 2007 8:51:00 pm


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