Monday, March 05, 2007

The Background Of Gunung Tahan

Gunung Tahan, 2187m (7174ft), is the highest mountain in Peninsular Malaysia. The mountain is located inside Taman Negara, on the pahang-kelanta border. The ascent of Gunung Tahan requires a130km return trek. The trail passes through low altitude primary jungle, across rivers, up a narrow and broken 1500m-height ridge to a cool mountain plateau. Gunung Tahan is at the top end of the plateau. The whole return trek takes 7 for fit people.

            Although similar long mountain treks (of a week or longer) can be done in East Malaysia, the Gunung Tahan ascent is the only long mountain trek open to the public in peninsular Malaysia.

            The trek starts at Kuala Tahan, the jungle headquarters of Taman Negara. The Park can only be reached by boat: there is no road. There is an airstrip near Kuala Tahan and there is a possibility of air services being operated into it from Singapore.

            Starting from Kuala Lumpur minimums of 9 days is required for a return expedition to Gunung Tahan (assuming 7 or 8 days in the jungle). Guides for the trek can be obtained through the park authorities. The current cost is RM500 for the week. Each extra day costs RM50.

            An entry permit for Taman Negara is required. It costs RM1 per person for a 4 weeks. The best time to Gunung Tahan is in February and March-the driest months. October is usually the wettest month. A lot of youth group go to Gunung Tahan during the Singapore and Malaysia school and college holidays. Taman Negara is closed to visitor for two months of the year, from 15 November to 15 January.

            One word of caution: if you have never been in the jungle before, do not make Gunung Tahan your first time. Go to a smaller mountain such as Gunung Ledang.


(Original source of info.: unidentified, email from Chai Kam Meng)



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