Saturday, March 03, 2007

MT. TAHAN DAY 5 (24/2/2007) PHOTOS

Date: 24/2/2007
Time: 1129 hrs

Quite a moderate day hike. From Puteh, we hiked Gunung Rajah (hot and infested with bees). Later we reached Kem Tengah. From Kem Tengah we continued to Kem Melantai.

Before Melantai, there is a detour from the main trail whereby you can see Rafflesia. I did not go as I was tired and all I wanted was to rest. Reached Kem Melantai around 4 p.m. Still got 3 more hrs to reach Kuala Tahan but we decided to relax and overnite at Kem Melantai.



Anonymous Wee Chuah said...

g.rajah 还是那么炎热吗?

Saturday, March 03, 2007 8:28:00 pm

Anonymous FANG HAU LIM said...

Still hot. Very hot.

I am half banana

Saturday, March 03, 2007 9:02:00 pm


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